Che! Che! Che! International solidarity and struggles for human liberation lives on

Che! Che! Che! International Solidarity and the Struggle for human liberation Lives on!

Che (Ernesto) Guevara was the quintessential lieutenant of the proletarian socialist internationalism and its ideals of human solidarity across racial lines, cultures, religion, geography and narrow nationalist chauvinism. Born and bred Argentine and Latin American, he lived and died a proletarian internationalist revolutionary; a global citizen per excellence, who fought against imperialist oppression, exploitation, and inspired worldwide struggles for independence and national liberation across continents.

Forty years after his cold-blooded, dastardly execution by reactionary Bolivian forces and their CIA agents on 9 October 1967, world democratic forces for human solidarity, social justice and a just and peaceful world remember and salute him today. Even as we invoke his name today, Che! Che! Che! in remembrance of the ideals he stood for, fought for and died for forty years on, the majority of peoples in whose name he pricked our humanist consciousness, and whom he harangued to overthrow colonial yokes and break off chains of economic slavery, remain oppressed, exploited, poor, diseased and hopeless.

From Latin America to Indo-China, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, their rights and freedoms are suppressed; their labour and national natural resources are exploited not for their benefits but by and for agents of neo-colonialism and international finance capital, in collaboration with kleptocratic national client regimes not any different from that of Fulgelmo Batista in Cuba in 1950s, such as that of Yoweri Museveni in Uganda today since 1986.

In colonial imperialism a racist and patronising agenda of spreading civilisation and saving heathen souls was used as the excuse to murder, rob and enslave other peoples. Today, neo-colonial imperialism of the globalisation of finance capital has invented a new metaphor for the same racist and patronising agenda of exploitation and enslavement as spreading democracy, human freedom and opportunity which has been foisted willy-nilly upon former colonised, enslaved, oppressed and exploited peoples. Under this new imperialist project, the struggles for justice and human liberation, on the scale waged by comrades Che, Nelson Mandela, Amilcar Carbral, Franz Fanon, Augustino Neto, Samora Machel et al, unsanctioned and uncertified by neo-colonial clientele paternalism from Washington and London, and their Anglo-Saxon cousins in Brisbane and Ottawa, is tarred with the brush of terrorism and barbarism. Depleted uranium tipped cruise missiles and kiloton and bunker bursting bombs are artefacts of humanism, not terror.

It is only in this light that we should make sense of Washington, London, and the Anglo-Saxon world’s codling of autocratic and corrupt leaders such as Yoweri Museveni in Uganda, a man whose hands are bloodied and directly or indirectly personally culpable for the murder, massacres and deaths of over 5,000,000 people, women and children in the Great Lakes Region of East Africa. In this twisted logic of realist politics, there is no doubting that were Robert Mugabe- the liberator-turned autocrat of Zimbabwe- to turn his back on the social justice imperatives of the Zimbabwean liberation war for the majority Africans dispossessed by colonialism and White racism, and exercise his despotism against African interests but in the furtherance of Anglo-American international finance capital, he would sooner be an erstwhile ally of the racist democratic agenda of Washington and London. It matters little, if at all, who is the legitimate representative and voice of the oppressed and exploited natives yearning for liberation and justice. It only matters that whoever is in power in these neo-colonial states must serve the interests of the colonial masters and their multinational corporations, regardless of the social, material and human conditions of the natives. And this is where Che and other internationalist comrades drew lines in the jungles and urban alleyways. It is a praxis those of us capable of the perception of inequalities among us and in our societies are challenged to emulate.

As we mark forty years since Che gave up his life in the jungles of Bolivia, bringing to an end a long, selfless personal journey of struggles against colonial imperialism, oppression, exploitation, social inequalities, racism and kleptocratic national governments; a journey that left indelible tracks of human solidarity stretching from Argentina to Mexico, Cuba, Indo-China, Africa and Bolivia, we must not lose sense of the ever greater need to fight and win social justice and freedom for the oppressed majority of the world. That means a trench in northern Uganda for me. Let us join the forces for social justice and human solidarity, and march together to the thunderous rhythm of Internationale , as we take a salute to one of its most ardent and iconic soldiers-Che!

Che! Che! Che! The Struggle Continues……


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