Are Africans giving god the wrong street addresses and post codes?
I have been wondering whether god / gods did not create different people with different languages and different spiritual practices, symbols and rites for a reason. It occurred to me that, perhaps different races with peculiar languages and spiritual beliefs systems and rites were purposefully to serve as different but distinct routes of accessing god/gods. And each ethnic group or race, like road networks with bridges and over and underpasses, had markers and identifiers not unlike highways and expressways that lead from our metropolises to the different suburbs and countryside from where people pour into the cities for work and other cultural activities everyday.
Come to think of it. Like roads and airline routes, you gotta take the one that takes you to your destination, if you hope to get there. Excepting Christopher Columbus, how many of us would rather head west, when we meant to go east? And see what happened to Columbus; poor Chris!
I believe that Africans and other colonised and dominated people who abandoned their traditional spiritual practices and beliefs, lost their ways. In embracing Christianity and Islam and praying in Latin, French, Portuguese, Spanish, English, Arabic and what have you, they are like the aircraft that did not file a flight plan and surprised the air controllers. No one would know what to do with it except to ensure that all the other aircrafts cleared for takeoffs or landings, are safely airborne or on the runways before anything can be done to the intruder.
Likewise, Angel Gabriel & Co are expecting the Luo, for instance, to come through Jok or Juok, and speak Luo. But when we go to church, mosques, and other foreign places of worship and use other people's languages and delve into rituals of other people's spiritual practices, using their peculiar symbols, not ours, we actually miss out because the gods do not hear our prayers since we are not using our dedicated routes and verbal signals. Like people who do not make appointments, we are kept waiting, because no one, no god or gods expected us. And until all the other people who adhered to the rules and made appointments are attended to, those who came unannounced, must wait until it is convenient to attend to them. And am sure Africans and the Luo, have been waiting for intercession since. What with the genocides in Gambella (Ethiopia), Acholi (northern Uganda), southern Sudan, and discrimination and assassinations of the Luo of Kenya!
When we continue to sing in churches and other places of worship, using Christian and other foreign practices rather than our own god given markers and signals, we ask for blessings for people whose practices we have adopted, and whose languages we use. I believe that is why colonised and dominated people, particularly Africans, who abandoned their own traditional spiritual practices and rites, have the lion's share of all worldly afflictions. Because all the blessings we ask for, we do in a foreign language, through a foreign belief system whose identifiers light up on god's control panel, showing that the beneficiaries are English, Portuguese, French, Germans, Spaniards, Greeks or Jews, but not Africans; we miss out on god's attention. It is also possible our gods do not hear and understand us anymore, because we speak foreign languages alien to them. Of course they never went to school to have learnt English, French, German, Portuguese or Spanish.
It is like giving someone else's street address and postal, post or Zip code. Imagine it for a minute. If you mailed something to your friends or relatives, but instead of their street addresses and post codes, you put the wrong address and post codes, would the parcels go to them? Of course not!
So why do we, for instance, the Luo, think that abandoning Jok or Juok, which is our spiritual post, postal, or zip code, known to god /gods the postmasters as such, expect that our cries for blessings and healings and peace from worldly strife are gonna be heeded, when we go through the church, the mosque, or Christianity or Islam, which are post codes for a different group of people? Who do you think receive the blessings and healings and intercessions that we daily ask for?
You got it right; the people these spiritual beliefs and practices are native to. Like talents, god/the gods gave us different and distinct routes of getting to them. If you want the letter "Z" impression, you must hit the "Z" on your keyboard. You cannot get "Z" by hitting "7" or "K", however hard and repeatedly you hit. So before you rush to church or the mosque this Sunday or next Friday, ask whether you are really using or following your designated spiritual routes meant for your god / gods to answer your prayers.
It is as if we do not know this already. It is like calling the wrong number, when you want to call your Mum or Grand Ma. However much you try, unless you know Grandma's number or dial it correctly, you will not reach her. Moreover, you cannot call someone else's grandmother, even if you knew one. Why try to reach your god/ gods or Grandma using someone else's god's or grandmother's number?
You want to know why we suffer and we seem like we have been abandoned by god / gods? Because the shrines are gone. It is like a closed village post office. No more mail deliveries to the village. Sooner or later, mail directed to a boarded up address, or a demolished street number, will be returned to sender (RTS). Isn't that what has happened with Africans and their gods?
Let us stop giving god the wrong street addresses and post, postal and zip codes, and our prayers shall be heard and our sufferings ended and we shall be blessed.
Empty the churches and mosques; build more shrines and pour libations. And NO ONE SAY AMEN!
Come to think of it. Like roads and airline routes, you gotta take the one that takes you to your destination, if you hope to get there. Excepting Christopher Columbus, how many of us would rather head west, when we meant to go east? And see what happened to Columbus; poor Chris!
I believe that Africans and other colonised and dominated people who abandoned their traditional spiritual practices and beliefs, lost their ways. In embracing Christianity and Islam and praying in Latin, French, Portuguese, Spanish, English, Arabic and what have you, they are like the aircraft that did not file a flight plan and surprised the air controllers. No one would know what to do with it except to ensure that all the other aircrafts cleared for takeoffs or landings, are safely airborne or on the runways before anything can be done to the intruder.
Likewise, Angel Gabriel & Co are expecting the Luo, for instance, to come through Jok or Juok, and speak Luo. But when we go to church, mosques, and other foreign places of worship and use other people's languages and delve into rituals of other people's spiritual practices, using their peculiar symbols, not ours, we actually miss out because the gods do not hear our prayers since we are not using our dedicated routes and verbal signals. Like people who do not make appointments, we are kept waiting, because no one, no god or gods expected us. And until all the other people who adhered to the rules and made appointments are attended to, those who came unannounced, must wait until it is convenient to attend to them. And am sure Africans and the Luo, have been waiting for intercession since. What with the genocides in Gambella (Ethiopia), Acholi (northern Uganda), southern Sudan, and discrimination and assassinations of the Luo of Kenya!
When we continue to sing in churches and other places of worship, using Christian and other foreign practices rather than our own god given markers and signals, we ask for blessings for people whose practices we have adopted, and whose languages we use. I believe that is why colonised and dominated people, particularly Africans, who abandoned their own traditional spiritual practices and rites, have the lion's share of all worldly afflictions. Because all the blessings we ask for, we do in a foreign language, through a foreign belief system whose identifiers light up on god's control panel, showing that the beneficiaries are English, Portuguese, French, Germans, Spaniards, Greeks or Jews, but not Africans; we miss out on god's attention. It is also possible our gods do not hear and understand us anymore, because we speak foreign languages alien to them. Of course they never went to school to have learnt English, French, German, Portuguese or Spanish.
It is like giving someone else's street address and postal, post or Zip code. Imagine it for a minute. If you mailed something to your friends or relatives, but instead of their street addresses and post codes, you put the wrong address and post codes, would the parcels go to them? Of course not!
So why do we, for instance, the Luo, think that abandoning Jok or Juok, which is our spiritual post, postal, or zip code, known to god /gods the postmasters as such, expect that our cries for blessings and healings and peace from worldly strife are gonna be heeded, when we go through the church, the mosque, or Christianity or Islam, which are post codes for a different group of people? Who do you think receive the blessings and healings and intercessions that we daily ask for?
You got it right; the people these spiritual beliefs and practices are native to. Like talents, god/the gods gave us different and distinct routes of getting to them. If you want the letter "Z" impression, you must hit the "Z" on your keyboard. You cannot get "Z" by hitting "7" or "K", however hard and repeatedly you hit. So before you rush to church or the mosque this Sunday or next Friday, ask whether you are really using or following your designated spiritual routes meant for your god / gods to answer your prayers.
It is as if we do not know this already. It is like calling the wrong number, when you want to call your Mum or Grand Ma. However much you try, unless you know Grandma's number or dial it correctly, you will not reach her. Moreover, you cannot call someone else's grandmother, even if you knew one. Why try to reach your god/ gods or Grandma using someone else's god's or grandmother's number?
You want to know why we suffer and we seem like we have been abandoned by god / gods? Because the shrines are gone. It is like a closed village post office. No more mail deliveries to the village. Sooner or later, mail directed to a boarded up address, or a demolished street number, will be returned to sender (RTS). Isn't that what has happened with Africans and their gods?
Let us stop giving god the wrong street addresses and post, postal and zip codes, and our prayers shall be heard and our sufferings ended and we shall be blessed.
Empty the churches and mosques; build more shrines and pour libations. And NO ONE SAY AMEN!
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