Imperial Britain's Bastards

Imperial Britain’s Bastards

Imperial Britain’s Bastards
Following Treasure Trail
Of Robbers
Plundering Africa
Ransacking Asia
And the Caribbean
By Air, Sea, Road and Rail
They Come
Peering Through Hatches
Of Britain’s Racial Fortress
Impenetrable it stands

Imperial Britain’s Bastards
From Africa and Indo-China
Disinherited scions of Imperial Rape
Brazenly clawing their way in
From Cairo to Cape
From Timbuktu to Goa
Poor Illegitimate kin
Of Bounty-Laden Britannia

Imperial Britain’s Bastards
Powerless To Snatch Crumbs
From Sticky fingered Rulers
House-Boy Afro-Asian Despots
Waiting Globalisation Tables
Superintending Sweat Shops
Bell Boys Contorting for Tip
Twenty-First Century House Niggers
Forbidding Trade Union Rage
Outlawing Minimum Wage
Humouring at capitalist Raves
Robbing Communal Land
Polluting Rivers, Streams and Lakes
Clearing Forests, Draining Wetlands
Erecting Play Grounds
For the Master Race

Imperial Britain’s Bastards
Dispossessed Regal Heirs
By Sea, Air, Road and Rail
They Come
Knocking at Imperial Gates
Black, Brown, Yellow Vermin
Groped with latex-gloved hands
Herded behind Razor-Wired Walls
At Brook and Tinsley Houses
West Sussex Detention Centres
By Xenophobic Dastards

Imperial Britain’s Bastards
African, Indo-Chinese Intrepid
Seething With Anger and Self-Hate
Flailing out At Each Other
At the Slightest Provocation
Inclined To Prison-Like Fate
They Eat, Shit and Stink
They come able to think
But gradually sink
Dehumanising Squalour
Of A Storm-Tossed Slave Ship
On The High Seas
Consume Them
While in London and New York
African Diamond Gold Stock Glow
In Nairobi, Lagos and Cairo
Black Immigration Agents Bow
Before Aryan Gods
Caucasians Leap-Frog Visa Queues
Like: “Why Bother Filling Forms”!?
Whiteness Is a Trump Card
A Universal Privilege Club Pass
Racial Master Keys
To Global Privilege

Imperial Britain’s Bastards
X-Rayed and Strip-Searched
At Heathrow and Gatwick Airports
Hot Branded: “ Poverty Refugees”
Escaping Africa’s Primeval Darkness
Paragons of Stupidity and Ignorance
Must Be Stopped At All Costs
By Claustrophobic UKB Agents
“ American Passport!?”
“Yes, Ma’am”.
“You Are Canadian!?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“You Travel A Lot! Don’t You!?
“What, Do You, Do!?”
Whatever You Damn Do
UKBA Use Imperial Racial Order
To Decipher Motives
Bringing Global Citizens
To Distant Shores
Americans or Canadians
Need No Visas to Britain
But Afro-Asian Denizens

Imperial Britain’s Bastards
Sequestered At Ports
And Frontiers
Deprived of Pleasures
From Looted Afro-Asian
Regal Treasures
Their Waitress Rulers
Fight for Scraps
Falling Off Imperial Tables
They Dutifully Tend
Political Independence
May Have Come
To the Motherlands
Boy’s Quarters
May Have Given Way
To State Houses and Palaces
But Them Tenants
In Perennial Roles
Have Remained the Same
House Niggers and Slave Drivers
Nannies and House Boys
Lynching kith and kin
For Tipples at the Court
Of Britannia
And Anglo-Saxondom

Imperial Britain’s Bastards
Hopelessly Praying To Aryan God
Deluded He’s Different
Than His UKBA Brethren
Illegitimate Offspring
Of Loveless Imperial Rampage
Begotten of Imperial Pillage
Denying Native inheritance
In Ashanti and Azania Goldfields
Tanzanite Diamond Mines
And Niger Delta Oil Wells

Imperial Britain’s Bastards
Arrive On British Shores
Chasing Cecil Rhodes’ Mirage
Cape- To- Cairo Dreams
Living the Whiteman’s Burdens
Lugard’s Imperial Dual Mandate
In Tropical Africa
Externalities on Balance Sheets
Of Imperial British East Africa
And The East India Companies

Imperial Britain’s Bastards
Afro-Asian Heirs Tracking Booties
Burgled By Adventurers
Century Empire Builders
And Fortune Hunters
Artefacts gracing imperial palaces
Filling Metropolitan Museums
Windfalls Lining Pockets
Of Blood Diamond Hawkers
Trusts Bankrolling Endowments
At Cambridge and Oxford
By Wills of Robber Baron
While Timbuktu and Ile Ife
In Shambles Lie

Imperial Britain’s Bastards
Mansa Musa’s Princes
Condemned To Penury
Erstwhile Servitude
Abdicating their thrones
At Monomatapa and Timbuktu,
Evacuating Great Zimbabwe
Meroe and Songhai
Surrendering their Titles
To the Great Karoo And Veld
Voiding Ancient Claims
To Kenya’s “White” Highland
Ceding Lobengula’s Matapo Hills
To the Corpse of Cecil Rhodes
They Head Europe-wards
Like Rats Scurrying
From grass huts Burning
Rudely stopped in their tracks
By Aryan-White Immigration Walls

Imperial Britain’s Bastards
Lost in a Maze of Locks and Bolts
Awaiting Extraordinary Rendition
To Distant Shores
Huddled Together Like Cattle
At Salt Licks
Swapping Invariable Solicitor Stories
That Fail to Scale English Racial Everest
Cursing Ancient Powerlessness
Of African Forebear Heroes
Lamenting Omission by Osei Tutu
Groaning at deference of Olaibon Lenana
Pained by the Tragedy of Hendricks Witboi
Yearning for Kabalega, Samori Toure
Rwot Awich of Intemperate Acholi
And Valorous Shaka Zulu
With Assegai Warriors
In Cow-Horn Formation
Protecting Africa
From Peripatetic Aliens
Like UK Border Agents Do
Great Britain

Imperial Britain’s Bastards
Deride House Boy Autocrats
House Niggers lording it
Over Brethren
Hawking Precious Inheritance
To Imperial Finance
For Pittance
Porous Afro-Asian Borders
Whiteness Seeps Through
Like Water through Parched Sand
Sneering at Africa’s permissive
Immigration Laws
Scorning Her Waitress State Agents
Valet Ministers, Concierge Presidents
Tripping Over Themselves
Making Gory Offerings
At thirsty Aryan Temples
Committing Crimes
Mass Sacrificing African Lives
Nursery- School- Children- Profs
Singing London’s Burning Rhymes
Unheeding African Need
Unseeing African Reality
Turning the motherland
Into franchise Continental Hotel
Open Twenty-Four-Seven
To Weary White Travellers
Catering to esoteric Whims
Of Investor Trophy hunters
State Houses and Lodges
Are Modern Imperial Outposts
Slave Markets and Forts

Imperial Britain’s Bastards
Asphyxiated by Great Britannia’s
Octopus Tentacles
Hapless Dolphins in Death Throes
Caught in A Killer Whale’s vice grip
Livelihoods sucked out
By Britannia’s Suction Lip
The Motherland’s Waitress Buffoons
Shamba Boys and House Niggers
At State Houses and Lodges
At Ports and Frontiers
At Embassies and Missions
Wait Imperial Tables
Like Domesticated Baboons
Rewarded with bananas
While in London and New York
African Mining Portfolios soar
Apace with tides of woes
Ravaging the Continent.

Okello Lucima


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