Economic liberalism, the mini-skirt and dictatorship in Uganda
Economic liberalism, the mini-skirt and dictatorship in Uganda Liberalised, privatised, market economy expects individuals to make rational choices about what they purchase, consume, need, want, desire, and can afford. For markets to function optimally there must be a range of goods and services to choose from. But goods and services will enter the market only when there is demand. Because no businessperson worth their vocation will stock what no one needs. In the New vision of 10 June, 2009; “Gulu chief bans mini skirts”, Odek Sub-County Chairperson, Matthew Olobo, forbade women from wearing mini skirts, short dresses and trousers. That wearing these clothes is bad manners, immoral, and erodes Acholi culture and social norms. Olobo is angry that miniskirts and short dresses expose women’s body parts. But a casual survey of Acholi sartorial history reveal s that, between mini skirts , trousers, and short dresses today, and Ceno, Cip, Bune , coo-lony or lacomi that their predecess...