
Showing posts from December, 2008

Iraeli attacks in Gaza indefensible war crimes and crimes against humanity

Israel, Hamas, War Crimes, Crimes against humanity, Genocide, Gaza, Israeli Occupation, Palestine, Israeli attacks on Gaza, Gordon Brown, Condoleeza Rice, Gaza attacks The overwhelming, gratuitous, disproportionate, and callous destruction of lives-innocent children, women, and other Palestinian civilians and citizens; including the bombing of the Islamic University, is indefensible, immoral and criminal acts of state terrorism by Israel. The United states and Britain, including the UN Security Council, cannot simply blame Hamas , while the perpetrator of violence, and the party using weapons of mass destruction to kill people in Gaza is the criminal and apartheid state of Israel. Why Gordon Brown simply saying he is appalled? Come on, Prime Minister Brown! How could you merely be appalled, when over Ziimbabwe, you could invoke the International Criminal Court (ICC) and even urge the UN Security Council to impose sanctions against Robert Mugabe and Zimbabwe? What about Secretary of ...

Zimbabwe: A Mirror image of South Africa and Namibia Future?

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: Zimbabwe: A Mirror image of South Africa and Namibia Future?#links#links#links

Zimbabwe: A Mirror image of South Africa and Namibia Future?

Nelson Mandela, Thabo Mbeki, Jacob Zuma, Musouia Lekota, South Africa, ANC, PAC, SACP, Namibia, Robert Mugabe; Morgan Tsivangirai; Zimbabwe; Robert Mugabe Africa, the African Union, Pan Africa, national liberation and anti-colonialist, anti-racists, anti-domination, and democratic forces in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific (ACP) countries cannot afford to allow Zimbabwe to fail. Should Zimbabwe be brought to its knees and possible forced-collapse from encirclement by racist and imperialist global domination forces, through illegal Western-imposed sanctions, embargo, and co-optation of some quisling African regimes and their intellectually impoverished leaders as imperialist continental policemen, they will have betrayed and rolled back, not only the causes for Zimbabwean liberation and its indepencence, but also cleared a path for the liberated peoples of Namibia and South Africa (Azania) to fail in their endeavours for social justice through national liberation, economic and ...

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: How Third Party Intervention and Mediation failed in Northern Uganda#links#links

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: How Third Party Intervention and Mediation failed in Northern Uganda#links#links

How Third Party Intervention and Mediation failed in Northern Uganda

Joseph Kony, Yoweri Museveni, Joachim Chissano, Riek Machar Teny, northern Uganda, Southern Sudan, Sudan People's Liberation Movement / Army (SPLM/A), Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), Juba Peace Talks, Third Party Intervention, Third Party Mediation . Even before the final stocks are taken, there is no doubting the damning verdict that Third Party Intervention & Mediation -the outsiders looking in-failed in northern Uganda. The last nail on the coffin of third party mediation, aka the Juba Peace Process , was dealt by Uganda's decision -at the behest of the USA- to cobble together a coalition of DRC Congo and Southern Sudan, for high noon showdown in Garamba with Joseph Kony and the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). However, the failures as processes, can be accounted for by five inter-related components of actors and their framing of the northern Uganda conflict. 1. First on the list is superpower-small-states politics , and the structure of global inter-states and multi...

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: Northern Uganda: Children of lesser moral worth?#links#links

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: Northern Uganda: Children of lesser moral worth?#links#links

Northern Uganda: Children of lesser moral worth?

Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), Joseph Kony, Yoweri Museveni, National Resistance Movement (NRA), DRC Congo, Southern Sudan, Uganda, Juba Peace Agreement. News that Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the autonomous regional Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) have attacked the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) in their Garamba Forest hideout, must be condemned in the strongest terms possible. For the last two years, an uneasy peace held over northern Uganda and much of the region previously ravaged by the LRA insurgency and NRA / UPDF counter-insurgency. Although faulty in process design and severely limited in its objectives, the Juba Peace negotiations and agreements , had moved the parties and the region closest to a peaceful resolution, more than at any one time in the many previous attempts and twenty-three year history of the conflict in northern Uganda . For the first time, there was international involvement and somewhat credible third party mediation, through...

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: Sentamu, Tutu and Raila Odinga: Which African Lives Matter?#links#links

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: Sentamu, Tutu and Raila Odinga: Which African Lives Matter?#links#links

Sentamu, Tutu and Raila Odinga: Which African Lives Matter?

Key Words: Desmond Tutu, John Sentamu, Raila Odinga, Gordon Brown, Internaional Community, Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe, African Union (AU), Yoweri Museveni; Paul Kagame, Laurent Nkunda, DRC Congo If you believe the Western media, the Western coalition that calls itself and its will that of the international community, you would be forgiven if you thought Zimbabwe is the worst place to be right now on earth, and Robert Mugabe, the only African leader who has been in power more than 10 years. You might also easily think that Zimbabwe is the only place in Africa or the world, where elections have been controversial and contested. And you would also be forgiven if you thought Zimbabwe is the only place where people have or are dying of political violence as a result of a contested state legitimacy. Listening to Raila Odinga, John Sentamu, or Condeeleeza Rice, you would think that all the dictators and those who suppress political freedom and use state violence to brutalise their opponents are ...

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: Broken Ugandan Judicial System: 13 year-old girl abducted, raped, jailed and forced to marry her attacker!#links#links#links

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: Broken Ugandan Judicial System: 13 year-old girl abducted, raped, jailed and forced to marry her attacker!#links#links#links

Broken Ugandan Judicial System: 13 year-old girl abducted, raped, jailed and forced to marry her attacker!

Key Words: Uganda Law Society (ULS), Uganda Penal Code, Rape, Defilement, Age of consent, Patriarchy, Gender Equality, Child Rights, Rape Victims, Gender Discrination, Sex Offences . A forthnight ago, we wrote about the Uganda Law Society (ULS) lending its professional weight to a law that would criminalise abducted children as young as 15 years old forced into child-soldiering by the Lord's Resistance Army. Our ire was raised by the fact that ULS knows these children are victims of the state that failed to protect them and the insurgents that abducted, trained and deployed them to commit despicable acts. In discussing the issue, we thought that it was ridiculous, because the ULS knows very well it is a war crime to recruit, coerce and deploy anyone younger than 18 into armed conflict. How could they be talking of children as young as 15, being responsible first, for being abducted by the insurgents; and second for being trained and deployed to commit war crimes and crimes agains...

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: Museveni and the NRM are mother lodes of fool's gold to Ugandans#links#links#links

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: Museveni and the NRM are mother lodes of fool's gold to Ugandans#links#links#links

Museveni and the NRM are mother lodes of fool's gold to Ugandans

Key Words: Yowri Museveni, National Resistance Movement / Army (NRM/A), Uganda People's Congress (UPC), Democratic Party (DP); The Lost Counties of Bunyoro; Kabaka Mutesa II; Buganda; Forum for Democratic Change (FDC); Kizza Besigye . Fool's gold is a sulphide mineral with a golden lustre, especially pyrite. Careless geologists can sometimes mistake it for gold. It is our view that people who supported Museveni's misadventure in 1981 and embraced the NRM in 1986, only to fall out with them later, were like careless geologists who mistook fool's gold for the real thing. Our friends in the FDC and DP, who now assert that Museveni took them for a ride to fight for a fool's paradise , fall into this category. Even the Buganda monarchy, through its young prince, then living in London, was not spared by this swindle. Given their about-face on policy matters Ugandans took seriously, the NRM typifies a fool's gold. First, they preached revolutionary, fundamental chang...

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: Chasing Kony's elusive signature another grand scheme to do nothing for walking-dead masses of Northern Uganda#links#links#links

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: Chasing Kony's elusive signature another grand scheme to do nothing for walking-dead masses of Northern Uganda#links#links#links

Chasing Kony's elusive signature another grand scheme to do nothing for walking-dead masses of Northern Uganda

Key Words: Acholi; Juba Peace Talks; Joseph Kony; LRM/A,; Yoweri Museveni; NRM/A; Genocide; Uganda; Peace; Reconstruction; Development; Programme; PRDP; Acholi Autonomy; Acholi Secession; Just Peace; Northern Uganda; ICC; LRA Indictments . With a central government in full control of every inch and facets of life of the country, and the local governments fully functional,why must disbanding camps, resettling people to their own land, rehabilitation and reconstruction work rest so perilously on Joseph Kony's illegible signiture on the worthless Juba documents? We have come to the conclusion, and the full realisation and firm belief that, the latest comedic episode from the Juba Pantomime, is a grand excuse on the part of those in governmnent, position of power and authority, to actually continue not to do anything for and about northern Uganda mass suffering. Therefore, the time may have come, for Acholi as the principal victim of the war, to really speak independently and with a m...