
Showing posts from November, 2008

Yoweri Museveni: The Godfather of the final and permanent solutions in Northern Uganda, Rwanda, and DRC Congo

Key Words: Genocide, Northern Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Yoweri Museveni, General Nkunda, Paul Kagame, Rwanda, Uganda, Tutsi, Hutu, Bahima, NRM/A, RPF, Nairobi Accord, Arusha Accord. Peaceful means have no place in changing a society It is not difficult to endorse the assertions that Yoweri Museveni is the godfather of genocide , or as we want to chracterise it, the final and permanent solution- against those he disagrees with politically - in East and Central Africa. And for those who do not know yet, he is the enemy of Africa and Pan-Africanism. Hundreds of thousands of people have perished in the northern Uganda conflict as a direct result of the policy of Yoweri Museveni to achieve a final and permanent solution to potential, imaginary, political opposition to his regime. These have been achieved through direct actions or neglecting to act to protect the population from the ravages of the rag-tag Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) insurgents. And also partly through...

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: Morning After Pill: British Christmas is incomplete without it!#links#links#links

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: The Morning After Pill: Your Christmas is incomplete without it!#links#links#links

The Morning After Pill: British Christmas is incomplete without it!

Key Words: Britain, British Women, Contraception, Morning-After Pill, British Pregnancy Advisery Services(BPAS), Abortions, Pregnancy, Unwanted Pregnancy, Alcohol, Booze, Christmas, Christians, Christianity, Jesus Christ, Religion, South Carolina, Catholic, Penance, Blasphamy. While many faithfuls around the world are waiting for Christmas with pious anticipation to celebrate their redemption through the Holy Birth, an army of health advisers and officials from British Pregnancy Advisery Services (BPAS) are desperately trying to reach the masses of British womensfolks. They want to provide the women with weapons against merry-making Santa Clauses who may not only deliver wrapped presents Christmas Day, but some stealth Christmas packages of the kind that can make the morning after Christmas, a sobering reality that can change lives......and hohum ....create unwanted lives! In a public service advert that is denounced by some as tasteless BPAS shows Father Christmas himself wit...

Africa Addio / Farewell Africa (English Su

Those who are sceptical about how racist control, domination and exploitation work, may find some sobering truth by watching this video. If you are fainthearted, then pass it; because this raw brutality that our forefathers in not so distant colonial past and at the dawn of independence had to bear. When we rave against neocolonialism and the threats of re-colonisation and control and domination and the ideology of power and racial superiority, the younger generation of Africans think we are crazy. Rather than preach to them as if we want to convince them, let them watch for themselves. And remember, this is not Hollywood acting; this real and raw brutality by man against man, but only in the dark continent. I hope you read and learn. more about " Africa Addio / Farewell Africa (Engli... ", posted with vodpod

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: First African American President: But Will Old Washington Power Trust Obama?#links#links

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: First African American President: But Will Old Washington Power Trust Obama?#links#links

First African American President: But Will Old Washington Power Trust Obama?

First African American President: But Will Old Washington Power Trust Obama? Barack Obama; US Presidency, Global Power, Axis of Evil, George W. Bush, Tony Blair, International Relations, WMD, Washington, Mitchelle Obama, Cherie Blair, Laura Bush News that tentacles of American power could not trust its most ardent ally Tony Blair - a harmless, cuddly, and shrill cheerleader; its domestic pet, an American poodle ; the former British Prime Minister- is mindnumbing. Here was Tony, all chummy, cheerful trooper of the American Century under team leader Dubbya. His was the more legitimate and convincing voice on the War On Terror (WOT). He was the more humane and benign face of power that reassured you there could be nothing more sinister than routine exacting of just retributions against those who harm innocent citizens. After all, he was British Prime Minister; a small country and disintegrated empire unenamoured any longer with direct military occupation, control and domination of other l...

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: Raila Odinga: Here Comes Africa's new Anglo-American imperialist hatchetman#links#links

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: Raila Odinga: Here Comes Africa's new Anglo-American imperialist hatchetman#links#links

Raila Odinga: Here Comes Africa's new Anglo-American imperialist hatchetman

Raila Odinga: Here Comes Africa's New Anglo-American Imperialist Hatchetman Raila Odinga, African Union, Robert Mugabe; Zimbabwe; Morgan Tsivangirai; Land and agrarian reforms in Zimbabwe; social justice and equity; Democracy in Zimbabwe ., There is an African saying that, fire begets cold, impotent ash. Perhaps this witticism aptly applies to Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Abongo Odinga, the son of the fire and brimstone, anti-colonialist crusader, and champion of African liberation and emancipation, and celebrated author of the anti-neocolonialist book: Not Yet Uhuru; the late Jaramogi Abongo Oginga Odinga. We have no doubt that Oginga Sr would disagree with Oginga Jr on Zimbabwe. It is both false and errorneous for Raila Odinga to equate the national liberation and national democratic struggles in Zimbabwe, with the social and democratic struggles in Kenya, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and other African states in the throes of conflicts and violence as a consequen...

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: Uganga Law Society, MPs, Carnally Motivated on minimum legal age of responsibility#links#links#links#links

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: Uganga Law Society, MPs, Carnally Motivated on minimum legal age of responsibility#links#links#links#links

Uganga Law Society, MPs, Carnally Motivated on minimum legal age of responsibility

Key Words : Uganda, Uganda Law Society(ULS), Uganda Parliamentarians (MPs), Carnal Knowledge, Paedophiles, Adulterers, polygamy, Underage Sex, Defilement, International Criminal Court (ICC), ICC Bill 2006, Joseph Kony, Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), Child Soldiers, Yoweri Museveni, Age of consent, Minimum Recruitment Age. The independent Ugandan daily, The Daily Monitor , has reported that Uganda Law Society (ULS) and a select committee of the Ugandan parliament have agreed to lower the minimum age for legal responsibility from the internationally recognised 18, to 15, so that abducted children gang-pressed into the ranks of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA ), could be tried for the same crimes their abductors and commanders have been indicted for - war crimes and crimes against humanity -by the International Criminal Court (ICC). The LRA is a notorious rebel army that has been fighting dictator Yoweri Museveni of Uganda, for the last 23 years. The insurgents earned their notor...

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: SOS: Mexican Maquilladora-Type Industrial Zone Comes to War-Torn Acholiland#links#links#links#links

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: <strong>SOS: Mexican Maquilladora-Type Industrial Zone Comes to War-Torn Acholiland</strong>#links#links#links#links

SOS: Mexican Maquilladora-Type Industrial Zone Comes to War-Torn Acholiland

SOS: Mexican Maquilladora-Type Industrial Zone Comes to War-Torn Acholiland     There is a buzz on Acoli Forum (AF), an internet discussion group for Acholi, a component of the Lwo group from East Africa, which echoes the age-old cynicism from the time of Jesus Christ; the rolling-up, as opposed to the rolling-out, of red carpets for prophets in their own homelands and among their own people.This well-placed sentiments arises from the fact Acholi elite were warned to prepare for rentseeking in a post conflict Acholi that would jeopardise livelihoods and land rights of the population locked up in the concentration camps. Such foresight, was the voice in the wilderness, of the Acholi Economic Development Conference, in Stockwell, London, five years ago. Today, the organisers have been vindicated, but with much regrets for lost opportunities at the Stockwell Initiatives, that remained on paper.   On Acoli Forum -where the Stockwell Initiative was conceived-speaker afte...

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: An ‘irresistible, awful, marvellous people’: The portrait of the Luos of East Africa#links#links#links#links

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: An ‘irresistible, awful, marvellous people’: The portrait of the Luos of East Africa#links#links#links#links

An ‘irresistible, awful, marvellous people’: The portrait of the Luos of East Africa

An ‘irresistible, awful, marvellous people’: The portrait of the Luos of East Africa By DAVID KAIZA THE EAST AFRICAN Posted Friday, November 7 2008 at 19:31 A whitewashed set of commemorative rings erected at the spot where, on September 22, 1877, the European explorer Emin Pasha met Omukama Kabalega, the king of Bunyoro-Kitara in Uganda, is all that remains of the latter’s palace. Behind it is the humped, grass-thatched tomb of Kabalega, whose death in 1923 marked the end of the pre-eminence of the ancient Babito dynasty. Named Mpaaro, this area just outside the western Ugandan town of Hoima is nevertheless still a place of solemn potency. The keeper of the tomb, Andrea, told me in April 2008: “People come here on their knees to pray. We pray for Obama to win the elections. If he wins, we will be very happy.” Obama’s name is unavoidable anywhere, but when pronounced at Mpaaro, thereis an added urgency to its sound… It is not altogether fanciful to say that, some 628 years ago, a ...

Why the ICC and Juba Processes are Inadequate

From Monitor Online New report pins UPDF on human rights abuse Posted in: News By Tabu Butagira Nov 17, 2008 - 1:41:19 AM Kampala UPDF soldiers deployed to fight the Lord’s Resistance Army rebels in northern Uganda often turned their guns against unarmed civilians during counter-insurgency operations, human rights group Amnesty International claims in a new report to be unveiled today. But Maj. Paddy Ankunda, the Ugandan defence and military spokesman, who for many years served as the spokesman for the Gulu-based UPDF 4th Division, then responsible for the anti-LRA offensives, said the fresh allegations of human rights abuses by the UPDF chronicled by Amnesty International are “outrageous and indefensible.” Amnesty International, a UK-based human rights group, is to report findings of studies conducted in five northern Uganda districts of Gulu, Amuru, Kitgum, Pader and Lira in the months of May and August this year. It claims that widespread sexual and physical abuses perpetrated by bo...

ABBA - Tropical Loveland (Best Of ABBA - Australia) 1976

more about " ABBA - Tropical Loveland (Best Of ABB... ", posted with vodpod

Que Sera Sera

more about " Que Sera Sera ", posted with vodpod

Obama Victory Night

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: The Problems of Amuru is testament to the failure of Acholi leadership#links#links#links#links

Northern Uganda Messenger Post: <strong>The Problems of Amuru is testament to the failure of Acholi leadership</strong>#links#links#links#links

The Problems of Amuru is testament to the failure of Acholi leadership

The Problems of Amuru is testament to the failure of Acholi leadership When some of us point out from the sidelines, the afflictions that have for the most part been wilfully imposed on Acholi, we are dismissed as a lunatic fringe, more emotional than rational, and out of touch with the realities at home. We are the spoilers. You would think that, given constant flogging and cynical and snide remarks against such voices, we might recoil into our inner selves and shy away from opening our mouths when it is least of our business to meddle. Unfortunately, we are still egragious animals; we seek and like community and we are not going to fold our hands and watch a community we still feel and think we are part of, consumed by fires whose sparks we should have put out and whose conflagration, should have been contained if not prevented. Which brings me to the shame that is Amuru District; that enclave of greed, the symbol of the worse of the vesitiges of ancient regimes, where carts actually...