What are Hillary Clinton's Goals? I have tried to resist commenting on the American Democratic Presidential Primary between Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama. Alas, I could not sit on my hands any longer. Until after the Potomac Primaries and Wisconsin, things had seemed pretty civil. But suddenly, post-Super Tuesday 5, February 2008 wins by Barrack Obama, pinned Hiillary to the ropes and created an air of invevitability around Obama and his run for the Democratic nomination. If hope was seen winning for Obama but waning for Clinton, those who had counted her down and out, spoke too soon, and perhaps had never read Euripides, and could not have known the depths a woman scorned could tenaciously dig her claws into an opponent to exact revenge! Perhaps, if you were Hilary Clinton, you might have done the same; fight as if your life depended on each blow landed. And indeed, her life, the political one that is, depended on it; although it is difficult to tell if the biological, physica...