Choosing between a flawed peace initiative and ICC Process
If there is a reason for the ICC indictments and investigations into war crimes, crimes against humanity and rights violations in northern Uganda to be dropped or withdrawn, the current Betty Bigombe led and Washington’s Northern Uganda Peace Initiative ( NUPI) managed political and diplomatic posturing as peace talks, is none of it (See Drop ICC Case, NGOs tell govt., the Monitor, March 4, 2005). First of all, if Yoweri Museveni were serious about finding a political settlement rather than pointless military victory for egotistical and megalomaniac reasons, a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire should have been declared over the entire northern Uganda. But in this case, limited ceasefires after ceasefires have been declared, each time punctuated with all out onslaught of war and bellicose rhetoric. It is preposterous to think that meaningful negotiations can be carried out with LRA peace negotiators in some secure zone in the bushes of Acholi, while down the road from such a venue, ...