
Showing posts from August, 2008

NORTHERN UGANDA MESSENGER POST: Sexuality: One Wo/man's Meat is Another Wo/man's Poison#links

NORTHERN UGANDA MESSENGER POST: Sexuality: One Wo/man's Meat is Another Wo/man's Poison#links

NORTHERN UGANDA MESSENGER POST: One Wo/man's Meat is Another Wo/man's Poison#links

NORTHERN UGANDA MESSENGER POST: One Wo/man's Meat is Another Wo/man's Poison#links

Sexuality: One Wo/man's Meat is Another Wo/man's Poison

Sexuality: One Wo/man's Meat is Another Wo/man's Poison Recent controversy over ordination of gay priests and the blessing of gay marriages in the worldwide Anglican Communion has cause serious doctrinal and church practice schism between conservative and liberal wings of the church. See it here: The conservatives detest the presumed laxity and liberal interpretation of Christian doctrinal positions on homosexuality as a life style, which is considered a sin; and on the ordination of homosexuals as ministers within the communion, which they regard as unacceptable. Furthermore, they insist that, marriage is only possible between a man and a woman, and for the purpose of procreation. Anything outside of this is regarded as unnatural and irredeemable sin as reported here: and here: These controversies are not limited to those in Ugand...